After a 15 year career in the automotive industry I made a decision to expand my horizons. Switching to consumer and tech industries while working at Google X, Nest and Waymo proved to be very rewording. My skill set allowed me to be useful and productive, as I was able to learn a great deal at an exponential rate over the last 15 years in San Francisco Bay area.
I stay curious and open to new experiences.
My superpower is to properly identify objectives and align multidisciplinary teams to insure and promote collaboration. Without collaboration there is no positive outcome.
Focus on managing process, not people
I value people centric leadership. People are driving design, engineering and innovation. Without motivation, alignment and dedication we do not succeed
Properly define the problem, then solve that problem. So many teams are solving problems that don’t exist or simply not properly defined.
A roadmap to a successful product is establishing a process that ensures procedural development from concept to prototype to product.
About me: I am a husband and a father of two amazing daughters, and in my free time you can find me boating in San Francisco Bay